Add a soul aligned $250-$500k to the mission you were born for.

The premier business development program for conscious entrepreneurs ready to embody your Sovereign Mastery and generate the high-level revenue required to have the massive impact and create the life and legacy you were born to have. 

The SOVEREIGN Intention:

Rise up for what's next for you.
Do it more quickly then you've ever imagined.
Receive what you need.
Align to your next level.

Master your Sovereignty.


Sovereign is ideal for entrepreneurs who have experienced success but know there is much more ahead for them. 

They have done the deep healing work, have lived through the harrowing trials and know it's now time to CREATE their reality, EMBODY their divinity and let their BRILLIANCE shine. 

All the foundational fear and shame goblins have been slain, and while those shadows can still occasionally flicker, Sovereign Masters have the skill, awareness and courage to walk bravely onward in service to their soul's mission.

It's now time to put their decades of learning, experience and soul-level gifts into a complete business offering that sustainably supports their life, their team, and provides the means to do what they want, when they want to do it.

An entrepreneur ready to step into Sovereign Mastery feels their calling to broader impact on the planet and is ready to bravely embody that bold vision, embrace visibility on a larger scale and play their role in raising consciousness on the planet through their soul-level gifts. 


(Clients have reported these results)

Know exactly how to Expand your Vibration...

...Heather went from burnout + passionless to overflowing with energy + money!

Own your Badassery...

...Adam pivoted from Marketing Consultant to Erotic Energy Coach!

Have more Agency in yourself and your business...

...Lorrie has fallen in love with her business all over again!

Be in charge of your own Destiny...

...Lulu's big vision of opening a holistic clinic became a reality!

Finally achieve self-mastery...

...Sharleen went from studying + practicing personal development to owning her Divinity.

Put your $$ where your heart is + have global and humanitarian impact...

...Nicole went on to heavily invest in her passion: supporting Blood Diamond victims.

Thrive instead of survive...

...Rashida had the biggest sales month in the history of her business: $56k!

Become a Powerful Sovereign Creator...

...Jen published first book!

Get into Right Relationship with fear...

...Sandra reconnected with God, herself, and her Trust!

Be at Choice about what you want to experience...

...Cynthia signed her first $60k client!

Experience Freedom to do business exactly the way you desire...

...Jenn pivoted from brick + mortar to an online business!

Release the addiction to scarcity and surviving...

Stacy went from disillusioned + broke to passionate + unstoppable!

Take a Radical Stand for yourself and your business...

... Murphy is more powerful than ever as the CEO of her biz and leader of her Tribe!

Command your Value...

...Rebekah rebranded, doubled her income, and reclaimed confidence!

Own your Power...

...Chris gave himself permission to TRULY be himself!

Oh, and, make more MONEY doing what you love...OF COURSE.

Six Areas of Business Alignment to Scale Your Business.

1. Soul Alignment.

The first area we address in Sovereign Leadership is Soul Alignment, which begins as soon as you enroll. You will understand how your soul is designed to do business, and exactly how to get into alignment to attract your ideal clients. You’ll receive a personalized Energy in Business report, custom-created for you by me, based on your Akashic Record, which showcases how you are uniquely designed to offer products + services, and how to market, sell, and structure your business in a way that is aligned JUST to you! You’ll receive another personalized unique-to-you report, your Manifesting Operating System report, based on your Akashic Record, which highlights exactly how you are designed to take action. You and I will have a 90 minute private intensive in which we’ll dive into exactly how your soul is designed to do business, and we’ll clear any blocks holding you back from being the Divine Genius Creator you truly are! Then, throughout the program we will cover in exquisite detail exactly how to bring your clients, products + services, marketing, sales, business systems, and contributors into alignment.

2. Products + Services Alignment.

Products and Services are the container and foundation of your business. They are the vessels by which your clients and customers will be served. This vessel must be built to hold your clients, deliver the transformation or product you offer, AND provide you with the abundant cashflow your life and mission requires. Too often I see entrepreneurs with big visions whose vessels simply cannot provide for the vision. We’ll focus on every aspect of your products + services, ensuring that everything, from the name, the price point, the components, the delivery and the upsell funnel are in alignment with your life, business and financial intentions. This might mean a complete revamping of your offerings and it might mean a couple of minor tweaks or even subtractions if your offerings are cluttered and non-cohesive. You will conclude this month with an “Easy Yes” front end offer and a clear understanding of your upsell offers.

3. Client + Customer Alignment.

We’ll focus on bringing your current clients and customers into alignment with your business, and creating the new avatar for your next level clients. Anyone serious about this kind of uplevel usually has to come to terms with releasing old client avatars to embrace the new. We’ll also begin to dive into marketing messaging for your business to ensure that you are selling in a way that feels completely authentic to you, and even without sales conversations! Unless you love selling that way of course! Because we want to ensure that as you are upleveling you are speaking to your NEXT LEVEL client, not your old client avatar. This next level of your business might be calling forth a shift in who you serve and we will be with you every step of the way as you make that transition.

4. Marketing + Sales Alignment.

Your messaging matters. Both the content of your marketing and how you deliver must align energetically with you and your business, your offers, and your financial intention. If not, even the most masterful messaging will not have the impact it could. We’ll create aligned marketing strategies for you, and ensure that your messaging is aligned to you, your brand, and your financial goals. At this stage of the game, copywriting mastery or appropriately outsourcing is non-negotiable. As your visibility increases, every word and nuance carries power that must be wielded responsibly. You will be executing on everything we outline, every step of the way so that you are earning as you go. There is nothing that will hold you back from implementing any of this the instant you receive your initial Akashic Records reports and have your private intensive with me. In fact, we want you to be well on your way to doubling your revenue in the time we work together. 

5.  Business Systems + Contributors Alignment.

We’ll ensure that every aspect of the back end of your business, including your technology, implementation tools and methods, and your contributors (employees, advisors, contractors and vendors) are in alignment. The focus, of course, will be implementing and shifting in real time to produce real results for your business. This kind of alignment will reduce you and your team’s workload which has the natural result of increased productivity and revenue. How fun is that!

6. Financial Alignment.

We will test and tweak to ensure that every aspect of your business is in alignment with your soul and financial intention as you moved, shifted, and implemented like a badass over the previous 5 months. We’ll be in full blown implementation mode with every aspect of your business, and you will be rocking results! At the end of the six months you’ll be able to say with confidence that you know exactly how to utilize your manifestation roadmap and your alignment process to scale to whatever level will serve your life and your mission. 

How you show up in your business matters.
The more money you make, the more it matters.

SOVEREIGN teaches you a new way of doing business.

Aligning the six key areas of your business with your soul and your financial intention is the roadmap for scaling your business into multi-six and 7 figure growth.

SOVEREIGN is about soulful, conscious, amazing leaders and changemakers coming together
in a deeply partnered way to awaken limitless power + purpose + prosperity. 

You are the sum total of the people you surround yourself with.

What could be possible for you if you spent the next
6 months in an intimate group of sovereign masters
quantum leaping to the next level?

  • Emma Churchman

    “ I was seeking a soulful, super savvy coach. I was also craving the wisdom of other established leaders who operate their businesses from a place of purpose.

    This took me from a place of good to extreme greatness. I’ve fallen in love with my companies all over again and I am more in tune and aligned with the clients and work I want to attract.

    I didn't expect this program would cut subliminal ties that were holding me back from flying to the next level. Nourishing myself with wisdom, community, and support helped me to grow in such a powerful way emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, giving me such a new perspective on who I am, what my value is, and where I can go.
    I did not expect to wrap up this program connected with women I will know and love for the rest of my life. It has been so inspiring to watch the whole group grow in this program in really meaningful ways - that is the beauty of the mastermind. It is very aligned with who you are as a person, your heart and soul. Expect magic to happen. This is a journey that will take your company to a new level!

    The Marketing Therapist®

  • Emma Churchman

    “Before the Mastermind I was stuck in a pattern of self-sabotage that was so deeply ingrained within me that even as a mindset coach I couldn’t see it clearly for myself. This taught me how to surrender and allow. I learned that planning and strategizing isn’t what needed to happen to build my empire: feeling safe in the world and in my business was. As a result, I had my biggest sales month ever: $56k! I feel much more centered and grounded and confident in my business. I know that I am exactly where I need to be, that peace, joy and prosperity is available to me right now. I understand now that growing my empire can be easy when I surrender, allow, and receive.”

    MindShift Life

  • Emma Churchman

    “I needed support for my growth and elevation - to help me define how to remain on track to make big leaps and have big impact in the world. I also desired a mentor with a deep connection to soul, and a spiritual connection, who understands that we operate on the earthly plane but also operate with the cosmos and the entire Universe as one entity working together on our big projects.

    Throughout the program I consistently had awakenings of coming into greater alignment with what it was I truly desired. There was true recognition that no matter what my heart desired it was valued and valuable.

    I never realized how much I had conditions in the work I did, such as a belief that I would have to fit what I desired into a box that was conventional and made sense to other people. The more I released my need to please, to be accepted, to be liked and valued by other people, I was able to step into my true and authentic identity in this world. Emma’s mastermind program showed me exactly how to do this.”

    Therapeutic Image Consultant

  • Emma Churchman

    “While business was good, it could have been better. I knew that I would need some serious accountability. Emma's insight is spot on and she doesn't sugar coat any of it (which I appreciate). In the Mastermind I had women on this journey WITH me. Women who are now sisters. Women whom I love and are excited for their wins as well!

    I couldn't have done any of that without Emma's mastermind. I couldn't have scaled my business with any kind of success without the group as a sounding board. I couldn't have seen my own bullshit for exactly what it was without her insight. It is absolutely the best decision I've made in my business in a year, easily. Thank you, Emma!”

    Portrait Photographer, Studio 828

What's Included...

90 Minute Private Intensive 

To be utilized as soon as you enroll in the program, this intensive will help you to determine your goals and intentions.

Unlimited Access

You receive unlimited support from Emma and her Lead Coach via Voxer. Anytime you have a question, need a new perspective, or want help with getting out of your own way, you can contact us!

Group Calls

Over the course of 6 months, twice a month there is a one hour call for all participants. We dive deep into exactly where you most need support. All calls will be recorded, and mp3 recordings will be available.

Akashic Record

As part of this program, you receive full access to your Akashic Record and the Akashic Record of your business. Emma will teach you how to ask questions in your record to help keep you, and your business, in alignment with your soul. You can get as specific as needed, from price points to marketing strategies to infrastructure.

In-Person Retreat

The program includes a 2.5 day in-person retreat. This retreat is your opportunity to get to know one another better, receive in-person mentoring from Emma and her Lead Coach, and support one another in next level growth.

Full Access to Emma’s Business

As part of this program, Emma will give you full access to what happens behind the scenes in her business, including the struggles, learning, and successes. You will experience the growth of her business in a very intimate way, seeing up close and personal how (and how not) to run a business in an intuitive, aligned way!


You have lifetime access to Emma's Quantum Creation program, which teaches how you to create your personalized roadmap to $20k months, as well as access to any other course of Emma's that you feel would benefit your growth and expansion.


Energy in Business

This report is personally created for you by Emma, based on your Akashic Record, and showcases exactly how you are designed to offer products + services, and how to market, sell, and structure your business.

Manifesting Operating System

Taking action in your business doesn’t have to be a struggle. When you learn how your soul is designed to take action you + your business shift from overwhelm to ease and grace. This report is personally created for you by Emma, based on your Akashic Record.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:

When does the program begin and how many people are in it?

These are small cohorts (10 people or less). We pair you with other like-minded leaders and changemakers at a similar stage of business growth. You may be in different industries, but your intention will be the same. We have found that programs of this small size catalyze huge results, because of how much individualized attention each participant receives.

What is the focus of Sovereign Mastery?

Scaling your business to $250-$500k in annual sales through focusing on 6 key areas of Business Alignment.

How long is the program?

The program is six months long, with an option to extend for ongoing support. We open Sovereign enrollment twice a year.

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are an energetic database that contain an imprint of every thought, feeling, action and experience for every soul that has ever occurred in time and space. The database is also referred to as "The Book of Life" or Universal Consciousness. The records contain all knowledge of human experience and the cosmos. The Akasha field exists in the fifth dimension and is all around us. The Records have been referenced in all religions and spiritual traditions and are described as a metaphysical library or universal supercomputer. You have an Akashic Record, and your business has one as well! 

"As someone who's been channeling Akashic Records professionally for 7 years now, I'm quite particular about whom I will let channel for me. I can say that Emma's skills are rock solid. During our sessions she had us both open my Records and we got answers together." Elizabeth Locey, Ph.D., Oracle, Wayshower, Mythic Midwife

When does the retreat take place?

Approximately one month into the program we have an in-person 2.5 day retreat (hosted in different locations throughout North America).

What is your pay as you profit model?

The Sovereign Mastery program utilizes our pay as you profit model. This model requires a small deposit to get you started, and because the program is designed to get you generating new money fast, your subsequent investment in the program will follow a pay as you profit plan.

Is there a guarantee and do you offer refunds?

The short answer is no and no.

The long answer is…

    1. You are 100% responsible for your results. Do not give this power away, to me or anyone else. You guarantee your results. Not me. I will coach my ass off. You need to do the work.
    2. Refunds are a way out. To break through your barriers you absolutely must commit. You don't need a way out. You don't need to test the waters. You need to be all in.
    3. I go all in. I'm going to be giving you so much of my heart and soul, my time and energy, that there's just no universe in which I'd give you a refund. Instead of refunding your money, I'll just make SOVEREIGN incredible for you. Rest assured in THAT. This is the way every other entrepreneur in this program has proceeded. No refunds. No exceptions.

SOVEREIGN is ideal if you:

  • have already experienced traditional success in business
  • have a giant brain + open heart and desire to play bigger in your business 
  • are ready to have massive impact and release any fears of judgment or shame
  • get that mindset + alignment + vibration need to be the primary focus for this next level growth
  • are ready to stop being a lone ranger - trying to figure ALL the things out on your own - and finally invest in trusting a mentor and colleagues to help you quantum leap
  • know that your business is a platform for your spiritual journey 
  • want to work with the energy of your business and love the idea of expanding vibration!
  • are here to share your genius and sacred gifts with the world 
  • are done playing small, getting in your own way, and feeling isolated 
  • get that true alignment involves all of YOU: your business, health, spirit, emotions + relationships and you are willing to show up powerfully for yourself in EVERY area of your life + biz
  • are committed to dropping even deeper into your purpose 
  • want a mentor who is smart, compassionate, and leads with integrity - who sees you more clearly than you see yourself - who doesn’t bullsh*t you, and who can actually help you get out of your own way
  • desire to join a Tribe of sovereign leaders
  • are ready, willing + able to invest in a 5 figure program  

SOVEREIGN is NOT for you if:

  • you have yet to get the basics of your business handled (i.e. program design, marketing and sales strategy, enrollment, client management, building an infrastructure) 
  • you have never received business coaching or participated in a mastermind 
  • you’re more committed to your fear + stories + explanations than to your spiritual path 
  • you’re only in business to make as much money as possible  
  • you don’t believe in the Akashic Records or Universal Law or energetics or anything woo-woo 
  • you desire the power of being a sovereign leader but don't want the responsibility
  • you’re unwilling to be vulnerable and authentic with peers or a coach 
  • you are not committed to claiming the power and the responsibility that comes with limitless expansion

If you believe this intimate program is for you and your business,
please read on!  

  • Emma Churchman

    “This program upleveled my perception of what is possible. The container for this program is SO solid, there was always support and encouragement for stepping into your highest potential. There was no space for limiting beliefs. I learned a ton about how I actually manifest, and what it looks like to take aligned action.

    To top all of that, Emma’s truth bombs and kick ass questions helped me to consistently come back to alignment and focus on the bigger picture of what I desired. If you are ready to grow your empire, enroll in this program! It will change YOU, your life, and your business! ”

    Money Coach for Creatives

  • Emma Churchman

    “Being in a program with other conscious entrepreneurs was very eye opening and empowering. Through witnessing others, and having them witness me, I could see all the ways I was devaluing rather than empowering myself.

    The level of support and accountability in the cohort was a game changer for me. Emma holds such non-judgmental space that causes everyone to show up fully.

    I could see how I was settling in my business. I could see that how much I chose to show up in the program, with myself, and in my business had a HUGE impact on my results.

    Participating in the program caused me to leave my chiropractic business, and truly step into my genius as an intuitive healer. During the program I more consistently owned my abilities and my power and started truly leading my business with my intuition.

    The icing on the cake? I made more money than I ever have in the history of my business doing what I love, AND have the freedom to do my work from anywhere in the world! ”

    Intuitive Phoenix

  • Emma Churchman

    “When I found Emma Churchman, I was completely burned out in my business. From the outside, it probably looked like things were great, but they weren't. I had been pushing and hustling as hard as I could, following all the rules and checking off all the right boxes. I had great clients, but I was working way too hard. During the program, I learned  how to create a business that was life-giving and honored my innate energy and talent. More importantly, I learned  how to access my inner wisdom, trust myself and give myself permission to do business in the way that was most aligned to me. As a result, everything became easier. I attracted ideal clients, made more more money with less effort and left feeling empowered and happy. Emma is the best and I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for a coach with integrity, wisdom and the strength to keep you accountable to your own desire.”


  • Emma Churchman

    “Emma takes a much different approach than most business coaches. She uses her intuition and psychic ability and is able to see the root causes and issues of problems in life and business. She’s able to cut to the heart of what’s really going on quickly, and with ease and grace. Emma and the group completely supported me in closing my business.

    What surprised me most about participating in her mastermind was that I expected one thing and got something completely different. I now own myself and see myself in a way I never have before. If you really want success in your life hire a coach, and consider Emma’s program, because it is a good program and the participants walk their talk, as does Emma.”

    Speaker, Trainer, Author

Go Next Level.png

Short Answer:

Because I have failed in all ways possible in business over the past 20 years. Because I wasn’t an overnight success. Because even when I had a major breakthrough in my business and grew it to multi-six figures in one year with a basic website and no email list, I STILL managed to find new and different ways to fuck it up in the years following. 

Because I get that your business is your platform for spiritual development, and that awakening limitlessness is like peeling an onion: the more layers you add externally, the more layers you have to unpack internally.

Because I'm always going to my next level.

Here’s why mentoring with me works:  

  • My clients get the results, the breakthroughs, the deep ahas, the pivoting and transformation that they have only ever dreamed of. They OWN themselves and their purpose. They have learned how to trust themselves and back themselves 100%. They get out of their own way, they take the leaps, and, most importantly, they love themselves and their businesses.

  • I know how to create a solid sacred container (with me, you will only want to show up authentically, and share your deepest fears and desires, because with me you are safe). Whatever in you needs to die can fall away, whatever in you is ready to be birthed will be born. 
  • I’m a minister who embodies faith (if you’ve lost your relationship with the Universe, Spirit or God, I know how to guide you back).

  • I understand trauma and the impact it can have on you + how you show up in your business. As a former trauma chaplain and survivor of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, I know how to hold space for ALL of you. I empower my clients to design their businesses to support their own healing and growth.

  • I’m a woman who has learned to receive and allow in business (and I will persistently, consistently invite you to receive and allow).

  • I’m a business mentor who has helped hundreds of businesses to grow (I’ve seen just about every business model out there, and more importantly, I know how to help guide you to YOUR best business model - grounded in YOUR intuition and soul).

  • I understand how to work with energy and vibration. I've gone tons of tricks up my sleeve for helping you to expand your vibration to get new results. Same goes for breaking through limiting beliefs and getting your business into alignment.

  • I teach you how to access your Akashic Record and the Akashic Record of your business (so that you can access the Records anytime you need to, during or after this program), because honestly this is the secret behind understanding how you and your business tick.

  • I’ve got mad-genius psychic skills (I don’t need a lot of time or context to help you see what’s really going on).

Get to Know Me More...


More questions? Email and we’ll get them answered!


Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent these programs and their potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

All Rights Reserved © 2019 Emma M Churchman, LLC